| This Point of Sale System must be used by the Inventory Receivables Department, the Cashiers, Accounting Dept, and the Management…
Security considerations can be addressed by use of tracking software which also allows for data storage. It provides intelligence about buying patterns which is exactly what Kudler’s new program would do. To manage this, Kudler can use a Customer Relationship Management…
Customer rewards programs and the like have become commonplace in many small and large retail market places. Kudler Fine Foods understands the benefits these programs offer. Customer rewards programs are electronic records management (ERM) systems that collect and store customer sales transaction information in databases from which reports can be queried. Kudler Fine Foods plans to develop the RMS, but needs help from Learning Team “A” to manage security concerns during the system development life cycle (SDLC) in order to safeguard data stored as customer information within the newly implemented system as prescribed by the Federal Trade Commission (FTC). The FTC is charged with protecting the privacy of U.S. consumers.…
This will need to be a system that is available at each of the individual stores. Sales clerks will need to have the ability to access this information so that when a customer wishes to redeem points on items that are in the store the sales clerk will have the needed information. The system will also need to have the ability to update the information immediately. This will allow a customer to make a purchase and immediately have the points just earned available for redemption.…
To accomplish this certain information will have to be gathered from key stakeholders in the organization. Key stakeholders will include the cashiers, who will be the initial input of the system, middle management, sales and marketing team, third-party partnerships, IT department and, local/commercial customers. These stakeholders will have the most contact with the new system so it is crucial that we gather as much information possible to design an efficient and beneficial system for the organization (Valacich, George, & Hoffer, 2012).…
Using existing infrastructure, a new system will be implemented to gather customer data using a customer frequent shopper card that will also track points for redemption by the customer.…
The study of the processes that affect the body after death to discovery what is taphonomy?…
Main Points: Many sports teams based their team names off of animals, but some based their names off of ethnic groups. Teams use variations of ethnic group cultures to display the team theme, which subjects the culture to political correctness. Schools are requesting for students to conform to participating in celebrations of certain teams to which may cause conflicts with some having an ethic group as a mascot or theme.…
An organization of this size must rely on numerous levels of information technology that is constantly changing. Commonly referred to in the past century as the cash register, the point-of-sale systems now can receive payment from credit or debit cards from smart-phones. Millions of transactions are conducted daily from various types of point-of-sale systems; all interact with the customers and exchange payment. The corporation is continually seeking to improve and advance this process.…
The heart of the sales forecasting system is the point-of-sale system (POS), which, in effect captures transaction data on nearly every person who walks through a café’s door. The sale of each entrée represents one customer, the entrée sales data are transmitted to Orlando Corporate Headquarters’ database. There, the financial team, headed by Todd Lindsey, begins the forecast process. Lindsey forecasts monthly guest counts, retail sales, banquet sales, and concert sales (if applicable) at each café. The general managers of individual café’s tap into the same database to prepare a daily forecast for their sites. A café manager pulls up prior years’ sales for that day, adding information from the Local Chamber of commerce of Tourist Board on upcoming events such as a major convention, sporting event, or concert in the city where the café is located.…
Though an ultimate and extravagant system is desired for Kudler Fine Foods’ Frequent Shopper Program, it is likely that some tradeoffs will have to be made to ensure that the project remains feasible for the company. In designing the Frequent Shopper Program for Kudler Fine Foods, it is important to consider certain tradeoffs of the project, in terms of costs, the schedule of the project, and the performance of the system, regardless of which approach is chosen (University of Phoenix, 2012). However, each approach that could be used for the system’s design must include mandatory requirements and comply with all laws, regulations, and guidelines for financial information, security, and privacy.…
The objective of this project request is to track purchases of individual customer’s. The customer purchases will be tracked and accumulated as loyalty points for redemption by the customer for gift items, specialty foods and other products or services as made available through partnerships with other external companies. The strategic purpose of the Frequent Shopper Program isto provide a system by which this process can be implemented and maintained. The object here is to create a business/systems requirements document as it is related to or for the development of the Frequent Shopper Program system to meet the objective of this request.…
The system development life cycle is a formal four-step process that can be followed in order to identify a problem and solve it. The first step is project identification and selection. Hoosier Burger has a project development team and has met with restaurant owners Bob and Thelma Mellankamp. Bob has mentioned that Hoosier Burger is in high demand and has reached an all time high. Sales are being affected because of stock-out problems with the inventory. Also, wait times are long for customers because the ordering system needs to be revamped and implemented. After discussing all issues the team has decided that a point-of-sale system would be best in order to meet all demands of inventory management, marketing, customer service, and food preparation.…
After reading the article “Is the Holiday Season Too Materialistic?” by Amel Saleh, I agree with him because it happens around us. For example, on Christmas each family send gifts to others, they will remove the price tag so nobody will know how much it cost. People should care about spending the great time with their families but not worry about what gifts they should buy. People like the holidays because they know they are going to get presents from others, but they almost forget that holiday is a day that to have great time for hang out. Children expect toys or shoes as their presents from their family on holidays but this is not what holidays should be. This is what I agree with the author, holidays in nowadays are too materialistic. In his article, Amel believes that behind the holiday purely materialistic, and it should have no gifts, but spending time with the one they love and create memories is more important. Most importantly, he explains in December it should be a symbol of a sense of accomplishment, thanks throughout the year and hang out with their families and friends, and the least things should be, is the presents. In Amel’s article he explains that children in the United States are being raised in a culture in which materialism and commercialism run rampant. Children are conditioned to believe that their identity is formed by what they have rather than who they are or who they want to become. The desire for material goods is embedded in American children from an early age and it grows stronger as they age so that as teenagers and as adults they are far more concerned with commercial products and obtaining material things than they are concerned about the world around them or with their own self-worth as human beings. These children are conditioned to believe that happiness and fulfillment can only come from possessions and the constant struggle to procure things that they…
Walmart, the billion dollar retail giant, has grown significantly over the past five decades, incorporating numerous different types of information systems into their daily operations. The company is well recognized for their innovation when it comes to utilizing the latest technologies and information systems to maximize their profitability. Information systems structures and processes play a critical role in Walmart’s success and today they are bringing that innovative spirit to the market as they move toward full implementation of Radio Frequency Identification (RFID). This technology allows for Walmart’s operations to function efficiently and effectively as they are capable of sending and receiving real time data to the networks. By doing so they are able to communicate the information to the retailer and the product manufactures making it possible for Walmart to remain competitive in the retail industry by properly controlling its inventories. This report will explain how Walmart has utilized several information systems throughout the course of its history such as: point of sale, satellite communication systems, data warehouses, retail link systems, electronic data interchange (EDI), and most recently web bases platforms, but none are as innovative as RFID (Wailgum, 2007). This technology was previously tested by the U.S. Air Force to try and reduce labor costs and allow management to make better decisions based on more accurate information regarding tracking packages/inventories (Roberti, 2004). This technology in the hands of the retail giant will allow for more up to date accurate information to flow through the networks to management so that they can reduce costs and increase…