| Does not answer the question1points | Answers the question but does not provide examples, 2points | thoughtful answer that describes with examples how culture defines who we are3points | | Essential question 2How might we be different if we grew up in another country or culture? | Does not answer the question1points | Answers the question but does not provide examples2points | Thoughtfully answers question how we might be different if we grew up in a foreign culture and provides examples3points | | Essential Question 3How do different cultures compare with ideals of youth, love and marriage, parenting, child-raising, gender roles, education, etc.? | Compares and contrasts 2 cultures on only 1-2 areas. Examples may be absent1points | Compares and contrasts 2 cultures in 2-3 areas. Not all examples are provided.2points | Compares and contrasts 2 cultures in 3 areas with examples3points | | Essential Question 4What doe all cultures share in common and why do you think that it? | Does not reflect or provide examples1points | Reflects on commonalities, but does not provide specific examples2points | Reflects on commonalities between the 2 cultures. Provides at least one example3points | | Essential Question 5Are there “universal” themes concerning humanity across the globe>
| Does not reflect on "universal themes"1points | Reflects on "universal themes" but cannot support with examples.2points | Reflects on "universal themes" concerning humanity. What do we all share in common with examples3points | | Format | 1-2 pages, no citations. 1points | 1-2 pages, typed, citations provided but may be incorrect2points | 2-3 pages, typed, double spaced. Citations provided3points | |
Directions: grade YOUR culture paper with the rubric below. Highlight the score you would give yourself on how well you did on each of the essential questions and the
Citations: provided3points | | Directions: grade YOUR culture paper with the rubric below. Highlight the score you would give yourself on how well you did on each of the essential questions and the format.