The formal session will be declared by the Chair.
1. Present- When delegate answers in a present, he can say Yes, No or abstain during voting for a resolution.
2. Present and voting- When the delegate answers the roll call in a present and voting, he has to vote decisively on a resolution and has the option of only saying a Yes or a No to the resolution during the voting. He cannot Abstain.
This is the minimum number of members required for the committee proceedings. Quorum is established if 1/3rd of the members are present. If the quorum fails the committee session will be suspended on the discretion of the chair.
The order of the agenda can be set by raising a motion “The delegate of the country wishes to raise a motion to set the order of the agenda. This motion can be passed by the discretion of the chair or it may follow procedural voting.
The general speakers list comprise of the names of the delegates who are wishing to speak in the assembly. When all the motion fails then the speakers of the general speakers list have to speak in order of their names in the list. However, the speakers list is never exhausted and a motion may be raised during the GSL on the chair’s discretion. The time for each speaker is also specified by the Chairperson.
1. Point of Personal Privilege -Whenever a delegate experiences any inconvenience which could affect his/her involvement in the proceedings, he/she may rise to a Point of Personal Privilege, so that the discomfort may be corrected. Such a point may interrupt a speaker and so should be used with the utmost discretion.
2. Point of Order – A point of Order is used to point out factual or a procedural error. The final decision regarding a point of order rests with the Chair. A point of Order can interrupt the speaker.
3. Point of Parliamentary Inquiry – When the floor is open, a delegate may rise