Brian Gifford
April 21st, 2013
Running Case - Dirt Bikes U.S.A.
The internet today is used by so many businesses, everything from the corporate giants like Wal-Mart to the small mom and pop shops running your local liquor store. However without a efficient information system in place a company may only be using a small portion of the internet’s true capability. There are several options that can benefit Dirt Bikes USA, including the use of intranets and extranets, the intergrading of wireless technology, virtual private networking (VPN) and voice over IP (VoIP). Technology today is constantly changing and Dirt Bikes USA is behind on the times.
The company first should invest in Information Technology, create a department that can begin to organize and set up computer systems to connect all the employees together. The I.T. department could install and set up an internal web server designed to connect the employees to vital information, including sales and new orders, customer complaints, even tracking items that might be in transit to one of Dirt Bikes USA many distributors. This type of intranet is essential to give the employees an easy way to exchange ideas and help the development and growth of the company. The company should begin with emails for each employee, one that would include the company domain name, the employees name and the department the work under, an example, It would be helpful to have the email system running internally, the company’s own server (an example Microsoft Exchange Server). Also an internal email server is ideal for monitoring communications between employees, allowing the company to track and protect private information from getting to competing companies. Intergrading a website into an SQL server could help with inventory, to keep a customer database of all outgoing products and sales. This would