The researcher attempts to answer the following in this research study:
1. What are the differences between rural and urban areas?
DifferenceBetween. (2014). Difference between Urban and Rural. http://www.difference
2. In what ways do rural people live in order to meet their daily needs?
Callanta, Ruth S. Poverty The Philippine Scenario. Makati: Bookmark Inc., 1988. pp. 41.
3. What are the problems faced by the people who live in rural areas?
Todaro, Michael., Smith, Stephen. Economic Development, Eighth Edition. Singapore: Pearson Education South Asia Pte. 2010, pp. 229.
Estioko, E.(2010) Compassion: Rural Life in the Philippines. /living-in-the-philippines-rural-life
4. Is there any plans made by the government to improve the condition of the people in rural areas before?
Quimson, Mariano B. Helping rural areas. Bulletin Today. Vol. II Issue No. 25, January 25, 1973, Greater Manila, pp. 8.
Maglalang, F. J. Bill filed to compel medical grads to practice in rural areas. Malaya. Vol. XII Issue No. 56, June 16, 2000, Port Area, Manila, pp. 2.
Usman, Edd K. Erap wants cable TV in rural areas. Malaya. Vol. LVI Issue No. 23, March 16, 2000, Port Area, Manila, pp. 7
Cueto, D. S. Gov’t reaches out to the poor in rural areas. Malaya. Vol. XXVIII Issue No. 82, May 1, 2000, Port Area, Manila, pp. 26
Velasco, M. M. 1,000 school libraries to be built in rural areas. Manila Bulletin. Vol. CCCXCIV Issue No. 26, October 26, 2005, Metro Manila, pp. B11.
Kabiling, G. D. Dentists sought for rural areas. Manila Bulletin. Vol. CCCXXVII Issue No. 9, March 9, 2000, Metro Manila, pp. 16.
Domingo, R. W. Doe chief to focus on rural areas. Philippine Daily Inquirer. Vol. XVI Issue No. 94, March 12, 2001, Metro Manila, pp. B12.
5. What are the advantages and disadvantages of rural people as they migrate to urban area?
Golden, J. (2012).