Russian Traditional Medicine: Its roots, history and popularity in the modern world
Russian culture is usually considered as the experience accumulated by Russian people from the times of ancient Rus’ through the Russian Empire and up until now. Russian culture is very rich, mostly by its diversity, as there were a lot of different nations living in one country and affecting each other. Also, Russian culture has always been quite open for other cultures and throughout history it’s been affected by Greek, Dutch, French and many other cultures. However, some part of real Russian Slavic culture from Rus’ has remined. Rus’, which is nowadays the European part of Russia, Ukraine and Belarus, as well as Siberia, has always had an abundance of different types of herbs. So that Slavic people who inhabited Rus’ and indigenous peoples of Siberia developed a huge number of different medical practices using herbs, potions and even words. These practices have always been used by all the generations of Russian people and are still used nowadays. In a largely globalized Russia the practice of traditional medicine maintains a connection to traditional Russian society and Russian culture.
Health in Rus’ was a big part of life, so ancient Russians developed a big knowledge of different types of natural medicine practices, which have always been used by Russian peoples and played a big role in Russian culture. Russian treatment methods are very diverse due to the big variety of different ethnicities that inhabit the country. Although most of Russian people live in urban areas in the Western part of Russia, a lot of cultural minorities live throughout the rest of the country and have been there throughout the entire human history. This range of territories and variety of different cultures in what is now Russia experienced a significant disparity in climate and environment. Ill people of different regions required specific care that would fit to the
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