Body paragraph 1:
• Concrete detail: “…I felt that if I could just get everyone’s attention and expose the problems in the right way, it could make a difference” (xvi)
• Commentary: Ryan Holiday is using his own way to expose media manipulation. Instead of being nice about it, to him the only way to make a difference is to go in extreme lengths. He wants people to truly open their eyes about media manipulation and by exposing it in such an upmost matter is the only way he knows it will make a difference.
Body paragraph 2:
• Concrete detail: “Some of you, by the time you are done with this book, will probably hate me for ruining it for …show more content…
He knows that the book will appear extreme to most people; however, that is exactly what he wants. He wants readers to not be ‘sugar-coated’ from what is going on in media. Holiday wants the book to be so intense that some people think he is lying because that is the only way to make people truly listen to what he is saying. Without going to such extreme ways, Holiday knew that people would continue to be close-minded.
Body paragraph 3:
• Concrete detail: “…I’ve helped pioneer a media system designed to trick, cajole, and steal every second of the most precious resource in the world- people’s time. I’m going to show you every single one of these tricks, and what they mean. What you choose to do with this information is up to you” (7)
• Commentary: Ryan Holiday created some of the media manipulation and he understands that. By writing a book, Holiday is exposing these tricks first hand. He could have done nothing with his knowledge or he could expose everything single little trick. He chose the latter. He chose to make a huge dent in media manipulation. He wants to use his knowledge to help society instead of helping other media manipulators keep doing their