Before the implementation of SAP, VLF faced major problems that affected their efficiency and effectiveness. The hospital would accept thousands of patient a month, which required coordination from different medical departments. With each patient, numerous forms and preliminary steps needed before and after a medical procedure take place. However, due to an inefficient system, the desired high-quality standard of the VLF was sometimes not met.
Medical records. VLF’s medical records contain sensitive information that must be safeguarded to keep the patient’s privacy and security. Before SAP, medical records are in a risk of disclosing private patient information. Doctors and assistant doctors would handwrite …show more content…
The challenges of medical physicians when it came to drug policy are the handwritten medical orders; the nurse will read medical orders and handwrite notes regarding a patient’s medication, dose, time, route as well as attached written drug allergy alerts in the patient’s chart which may not be visible for the administering physician. Human error allows possibilities of endangering the patients' wellbeing and safety because of doctors administering the wrong kind of medication, dosage or duplicated medical tests.
Changes to patient and billing. Assistive personnel handwrote supplies and medicine on a charge account form and stored manually in the hospital’s archives which made tracking the billing items challenging and time-consuming. Moreover, doctors handwrite a justification for drugs not included in the OHP or the contract with the insurer. The step got skipped in some cases resulting in reimbursement delays and inventory inconsistencies.
Medical Fees. Doctors keep track of their bills to collect their pay and give a paper invoice for their fees to the billing clerk. However, because of various procedures a day, relevant billing information can get