That is knowledge which Liberates! Dear friends, do you know the meaning of this famous “Sanskrit” quotation? I’ll explain it to you.
Generally we call vidya to everything which gives some knowledge. There are many types of vidya which we can learn in this world. Among these, one is अध्यात्म विद्या. And according to the scriptures “अध्यात्म विद्या” alone liberates the human being. One can get Mukti from this world, Because of knowing & experiencing the अध्यात्म विद्या.
The meaning of getting “Mukti” is not dying, but getting true knowledge of Atman & Paramatman. It is like waking up from a dream. Because after getting Mukti a human being knows that everything we experience in this world is like a dream & it is not true. And so, I am different from what I feel or think now in this world. I am Aatman & not what I am called by everybody.
The person who is mukta, is called the “Enlightened One” (Aatmasaakshaatkaari). That means He knows this world as a play or a dream. He fully knows that this sharir / deh is not me, I am Atman. Like in a dream nobody can do anything to me because nobody knows me, who I am. Dream is an illusion. In our dream anything can happen anywhere & we are present everywhere, we know everything, we are saakshi of every moment in the dream, because it is our dream. Likewise in this world also what we experience is our own experience. "Pindi Te Brahmaandi" Pind experiences only what is his feelings & nothing else like we experience in a dream. Each one's life is special for that pind. Experience of two persons are never the same. Each & every person think differently. "Pinde Pinde matirbhinnaa " Each person has got different mati. It is a long process for a pind to achieve mukti As our saints say the pind has to undergo 84 lacs of births for mukti. That is why we have to try for mukti in this very birth. Because nardeh only can try for mukti.
Simple Meaning Of Mukti :
When we are awake from a dream we understand