The purpose of the Library Management System is mainly to provide automation to the library.
Admin: He can read or write the information about any member and can update, delete or create a member.
Librarian: He can get a book issued.
The solutions provided by the system are: better and efficient service provided
Faster retrieval of information reduced workload of the library staff
All details of the book will be available on a click
Less paper work and document maintenance
The objective of the study was to develop a computerized library system that will store the student’s records such as student’s basic information, books record, list of borrowers, returned books, borrowed books. To be specific, it attempted to satisfy the following objectives:
To design a system that will lessen the time and effort of the student intheir transaction
To quickly search the book needed by the student of the library
To implement the system efficiency to the student
The implementation of the system will reduce the time and effort of the users in terms of adding, editing, searching, deleting and printing of records.