The information about Mr. Chiu's acute hepatitis is correct as well as the information about his conditions and symptoms while he was recovering from hepatitis Acute hepatitis in Mr. Chiu's case, is a milder form of hepatitis A. (Luckmann and Sorenson 1131). People recovering from acute hepatitis usually have a swollen liver, feel exhausted and are "afraid [they] might have a relapse." (Jin 185). While Mr. Chiu was in prison, he began to sweat, shiver and develop a fever because he was experiencing a relapse of acute hepatitis (188). By having a relapse of hepatitis, he was becoming infectious again.
A person infected with hepatitis A is infectious from three weeks before developing jaundice to three weeks after (Luckmann and Sorenson 1131), meaning he definitely was infectious while he was in prison, since he showed his jaundice when he was released. Fenjin describes Mr. Chiu as being "an ugly man…[with a] jaundiced face covered with dark puckers" (Jin 192). Mr. Chiu was infectious three weeks prior to his visit to the police station, and must have been extremely careful on his honeymoon to avoid