Sacrifice, as defined by Webster’s dictionary, ( is an act of offering to a deity something precious OR destruction/surrender of something for the sake of something else. I prefer the second definition. The Old Testament of the Bible spends a good amount of time referring to and governing ritual sacrifice. I feel like the importance placed on sacrifice in the Old Testament can confuse the true and real reason behind it, which is to repent and dedicate our life to God. Sacrifice as a ritual can very easily become common place, by simply going through the motions, versus my idea of sacrifice, which is living the sacrifice like Jesus did His whole life. From my own study of the bible, I noticed that the act of sacrificing took precedence over living a sacrificial life. I feel that is the modern day equivalent of going to mass, but not living the mass the rest of the week. This is why I like the second definition. The idea of surrendering something for the sake of something else is what I learned growing up catholic as the definition of sacrifice. Something as simple as spending time (surrendering time) in prayer or praise of God (for someone else-God) would be a sufficient sacrifice for God. To understand sacrifice in the Bible I believe the most important thing to study is what sacrifice is NOT. Then it is necessary to think about what God wanted from sacrifice and finally look into the ultimate sacrifice, which was Jesus’ life. No where in the bible does it define sacrifice. Probably because the act of sacrifice was not something God created and decided people needed to do to honor Him. Sacrifice was already widely practiced among many nations and for other gods. I believe the majority of the detailed accounts of rituals and rules of sacrifice came out of necessity to limit sacrifices. Deities of pre-Christian lands, along with Egyptians and Babylonians all required sacrifices in their name (Father Hardon, John A). Sacrifice is
Cited: Christian Ideas of Sacrifice Father Hardon, John A. Commandments: Sacrifice and the First Commandment. S.J. Archives The Real Presence Association. Langston, Scott. “Sacrifice and Offering”. Holman Bible Dictionary. McCloskey O.F.M, Patrick. “Is the Mass Still a Sacrifice?”. Catholic Update. n.p. n.d The New American Bible. Revised Edition. New Jersey: Catholic Book Publishing Corporation 2011. “Sacrifice.” Merriam- Merriam- Webster, 2011. Web. 28 August 2012. Stevenson, Mark. “Ancient child sacrifices found in Mexico.” Associated Press, MSNBC . 18 April 2007. “What the Bible says about Sacrifice”. 28 August 2012.