While in economic growth, many husbands and fathers became preoccupied with the pursuit of money and political or military power. More often than not this took time away from their families, this would lead to stale relationships and constant tension between the wives and children. Distracted by their goals these men just simply stopped caring about a family whatsoever. They became quite promiscuous in many different ways. The role of the wife became devalued by these selfish men. This opened up a jar of worms. When the wives discovered the deeds of the dudes, they for good reason became quite angry and or jealous. Soon after the women and men began to compete for money, fame, status, free sex, and the affection of their kids. Many of these relationships ended in hostility, frustration, and eventual divorce. In fact Rome changed many laws so that divorce could become easy and practical. The tragedy of this cycle often left the children with trauma and despising either women or men. They often had trust issues and or became homosexual. The concept of family was completely abandoned; individuality began to rise. Many minute loyalties formed within the body of the government. These tiny loyalties trusted no one. Civil war commonly broke out, only weakening the once thriving culture.This was how it Rome died. Rome destroyed itself, and it started with the decline of
While in economic growth, many husbands and fathers became preoccupied with the pursuit of money and political or military power. More often than not this took time away from their families, this would lead to stale relationships and constant tension between the wives and children. Distracted by their goals these men just simply stopped caring about a family whatsoever. They became quite promiscuous in many different ways. The role of the wife became devalued by these selfish men. This opened up a jar of worms. When the wives discovered the deeds of the dudes, they for good reason became quite angry and or jealous. Soon after the women and men began to compete for money, fame, status, free sex, and the affection of their kids. Many of these relationships ended in hostility, frustration, and eventual divorce. In fact Rome changed many laws so that divorce could become easy and practical. The tragedy of this cycle often left the children with trauma and despising either women or men. They often had trust issues and or became homosexual. The concept of family was completely abandoned; individuality began to rise. Many minute loyalties formed within the body of the government. These tiny loyalties trusted no one. Civil war commonly broke out, only weakening the once thriving culture.This was how it Rome died. Rome destroyed itself, and it started with the decline of