Nurses need to be effective with their critical thinking skills and utilize the resources at hand. Using base knowledge to prevent catastrophic events from occurring, such as the potentiation effect of medication. Knowing ,when we as nurses, have met our ability to perform effectively and need assistance is not only important for our well being but the well being of the patient and the organization as a whole. Integrating teamwork in the patient care effort not only builds a solid foundation for the organization but also for the positive outcome of the patient being treated. If for some unfortunate reason an adverse event does occur nurses must remember they “provide valuable insights into care processes when working with patient safety leaders as part of a root cause analysis team. Nurses ' unique knowledge of the care provided is essential for designing the best improvements in care processes” (Hall, Moore, & Barnsteiner, 2008). Probably among the most import ways a nurse can improve quality of care is his/her own self care. This can be done in many ways. Meditation for stress reduction, continuing education for confidence in patient care, are just a few examples. Having a rested, positive, confident attitude when preparing and performing patient care can make difference and help her do no harm and give the utmost quality of care to each patient she/he comes in contact…
The purpose of the National Patient Safety Goals (NPSG) is to improve patient safety via the application of evidence based practice in areas of medical care that have been identified as high risk for resulting in patient harm (Mascioli & Carrico, 2016). The organization is extremely focused on meeting the NPSGs, however, there has not been a formal assessment of the organization’s culture of safety. The hospital focuses on the individual goals, collects data, and, based on the statistics, puts into place measures to address deficiencies. Executives within the organization are sponsors of specific NPSGs and are required to write action plans for those measures for which the hospital is not meeting the target. Dr. Farber, my preceptor, rounds…
Although brief, the article explains why patient safety is a key factor in health care. The article goes on to explain that patients can contribute to strengthening safety and delivery of high quality care.…
In order to provide safety, it demands an effort of the entire facility as a whole. As stated in the IHI Open School Basic Modules, the four main characteristics are “psychological safety, active leadership, transparency, and fairness”. I would create a safe environment in the healthcare setting by addressing any concerns the patient and/ or staff may have, being respectful and open-minded. I would create an open door policy, promoting communication and offering knowledge to ensure quality care and patient safety. If a mistake or error was made, I would help the individual in resolving the situation to ensure patient safety first as well as documenting the incident and focus on methods of prevention with the staff. For example, if a nurse approaches me with a question on how to insert an NG tube, I will not belittle the person or make smart remarks because doing so will create a harmful environment. Instead, I would offer my assistance and knowledge to ensure patient safety. Afterwards, to ensure competency and confidence of staff, I wound coordinate a mandatory in-service on NG tube insertion and placement. As an active leader, I would actively listen to my staff, addressing their questions and concerns. As a leader, I must realize that individuals are different and have different perspectives and/or beliefs about certain issues and the only way to know that is to listen. In my… MSN SPECIALTY TRACK: INFORMATICS Chamberlain College of Nursing NR 500: Foundational Concepts and Application INTRODUCTION Clinical Informatics Registered Nurse (CI RN): “the application of informatics and information technology to deliver healthcare services” (AMIA, 2015).…
The first skill you will need is to be able to report and record keeping skills because when you have a patient you have to keep everything you and the patients does down on paper. The second one you will need is to be compassionate because when talking your patients parents they may be emotional and you to to comfort them. The third thing you need is to be emotionally stable because you won't be able to help your patient to the best of your ability if you can't keep yourself stable. The fourth skill you will need is to be a leader, if your patients stops breathing you're the one that everyone looks to to tell them what to…
In recent years a movement has been emerging in more and more hospitals and health care facilities to hire nurses with BSN degrees. In addition, many health care employers are requiring, or at least urging, their current staff to earn higher degrees. This movement gained momentum following a study released by the Institute of Medicine in October 2010 recommending “increasing the number of baccalaureate-prepared nurses in the workforce to 80% and doubling the population of nurses with doctorates” to meet the demands of the evolving health care system (American Association of Colleges of Nursing [AACN], 2014, para. 5). In addition, the AACN stated that positive patient outcomes are increased with the care of nurses educated at a BSN or graduate level. Employers say they want to ensure their staff is equipped to meet the increasing health care demands (Trossman, 2012, para. 1). This can cause some confusion amongst those who believe that an RN is and RN, but there are many routes to earning the title of registered nurse. Nursing students who have graduated from diploma, ADN, and BSN programs all sit for the same NCLEX-RN licensing exam, but are they all equally equipped to practice? (American Association of Colleges of Nursing [AACN], 2014). Does staffing with high percentage of BSN educated nurses really lead to a safer patient environment?…
You have a new member of staff starting and you are responsible for giving them all the information on health and safety requirements in your setting they need to be aware of.…
1. Displaying professional attitude a. Supporting professional organization b. Accepting responsibility for own actions 2. Job readiness and seeking employment a. Résumé and cover letter b. Methods of job searching c. Interviewing as a job candidate 3. Working as a team member to achieve goals a. Member responsibility b. Promoting competent patient care c. Utilizing principles of group dynamics…
The purpose of the National Patient Safety Goals are a specific way to focus on what are believed to be significant safety practices that have been identified by The Joint Commission as ways to improve on the care and safety of patients. These safety practices have established an approach to medical care that is now implemented by nurses and health care facilities nationwide.…
Patient safety forms the foundation of healthcare delivery. The United States health care system is an extremely complex unit ensures patient safety and requires focused efforts of people's in health care organizations. Safety is defined as freedom from psychological and physical injury in an health care systems. Health care provided in safe culture and environment are essential for patient survival and well-being. A safe environment reduces the risk for injury and illness and helps to decrease the cost of health care by preventing extended lengths of stay or by hospitalization, improved patient 's functional status and increasing the patient's sense of well-being. The Institute of Medicine’s report “ To Err Is Human: Building a Safer Health…
It is estimated that 1 in 10 patients will experience a nosocomial infection (Biddle, 2009). With this staggering fact, patient safety and infection prevention is at the forefront of healthcare. Many changes have occurred in this area since the 1840s. This is when Semmelweis, a Viennese obstetrician, made the observation, that women giving birth in an institutional setting 20% of them died of a febrile illness, whereas only about 1% in the home setting. He suggested that somehow a toxin was being spread from patient to patient on the hands of the care providers. This led him to demanding that physicians and nurses involved in obstetrical delivery wash their hands between patients (Biddle, 2009). Patient safety goals as described by American Association of College of Nurses, is to minimize risk to patients and providers as well, through an effective system of care or individual performance (Graduate level Quality and Safety Education for Nurses competencies knowledge, skills, & and attitudes, 2012). With the changes to the Centers for Medicaid and Medicare changing reimbursement policies, it is no wonder why we are going to even greater lengths to educate and implement new procedures to prevent hospital acquired infections. The purpose of this paper is to describe the issues of infection control in the surgical area and efforts that are being made to prevent surgical site infections.…
Core Competency 1: Demonstrates knowledge base on the health /illness status of individual / groups…
Improving patient care is a process that always has room for improvements. It is important to make sure patients receive the best quality care available. "Studies suggest that high quality patient care relies on careful documentation of each patient 's medical history, health status, current medical conditions, and treatment plans" (Glandon, Smaltz, & Slovensky pg.3). To help with the process of quality care for patients HIPAA laws have been set in place. "The Administrative Simplification provisions of the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 required the Department of Health and Human Services to establish national standards for electronic healthcare transactions and national identifiers for providers, health plans, and employers" (Glandon, Smaltz, & Slovensky pg.118).…
The ANA and Board of Registered influenced my nursing practice because each agency enforces rules and regulations for nurses to follow and practice safely without causing harm to the patients. With the ANA in place, nurses can voice their concerns regarding unsafe nursing practice, advocate without the fear of retaliation and furthermore work in a safe environment. The Board of Registered Nurse ensures nurses maintain an active license, follow the rules and regulations of the Nurse Practice Act. If no rules existed this would be practicing without a license, allowing criminals to work and not having the education would be an unsafe practice…