2.4: Describe the actions to take in respond to emergency situations, including Fires, Security Incidents and Missing children or young people.
Fire and other emergencies
Buildings need to be evacuated quickly in the event of a fire, gas leak or bomb scare. There will be clear procedures on how to do this in our school/nursery. These procedures must be displayed in each area of the school/nursery, giving information on:
● how to raise the alarm in the event of a fire, gas leak or bomb scare
● what to do if you hear the fire alarm
● the route you should take – including a plan of the route from each room or area in the school
● the nearest assembly point – for example, in a playground.
Registers should be available so staff can make a check that all children are safely out of the building.
Information should also be given on what not to do, such as:
● not collecting or allowing children to collect personal belongings or put on coats
● not re-entering the building until you have been informed that it is safe to do so.
As a teaching or learning support assistant, we may work in different areas of the school/nursery, so it is important that we know the different routes from each area that we work in. We should be given regular opportunities to practice evacuating groups of children from the building safely. This will give us more confidence in escorting the children safely and calmly.
Security should be in place which minimizes the risks to children. We must know what these are and ensure that we follow the procedures at all times. These procedures will include:
● signing-in procedures/visitor badges
● security locks on doors
● procedures for collection of younger pupils
● registration.
All visitors to the school/nursery should be identified by badges. If we are unsure about someone we see, we always should report our concern to someone higher up.
When children