Every child matters is a UK government initiative for England and Wales. It was launched in 2003 after the death of Victoria Climbie in 2000 who was tortured and murdered by her guardians. Her death led to major changes in child protection policies in England. During her abuse Victoria was burnt,tied up,hit with bike chains, hammers and wires. Up to her death, the police, social services, local authorities, national health service and the NSPCC all had contact with her and had seen or noted the signs of abuse but they had all failed to properly investigate the case and little action was taken. After Victoria's death everyone involved in her case was widely criticised as after a public inquiry was ordered it was discovered that there were numerous instances where she could have been saved, noted that many of the organisations involved in her case were badly run, and discussed the racial aspects surrounding the case, as many of the participants were black. The subsequent report by Lord Laming made numerous recommendations related to child protection and that is where the formation of every child matters (ECM) come from.
Every child matters covers children and young adults up to the age of 19, or 24 for those with disabilities. Its main aims are for every child,whatever their background or circumstances to have the support they need to : Be healthy Stay safe Enjoy and achieve Make a positive contribution Achieve economic well-being
Each of these themes has a detailed framework attached whose outcomes require multi-agency partnerships working together. The agencies in partnership may include children's centres, early years, schools,children's social work services, primary and secondary health services, playwork, and child and adolescent mental health services (CAMHS). It has been argued that children have received poorer services because of the failure of professionals to understand each others roles or to work together in