The vision of Saga is to become a company that strives to sustain the core values that created the brand Saga since the start of the business 50 years ago. Saga group currently operates cruise ships to financial services for the over 50s age group, retaining these customers through loyalty plan has proven to be a good approach. The new campaign will focus on how Saga can communicate the loyalty schemes and other services to the accessible customers group. Primary study showed a general perception of Saga brand being more expensive; however it was justified saying that Saga provided a better holiday experience than other companies.
Extensive secondary research was conducted to support the Saga venture to retain customers through loyalty scheme, and justify the promotional methods recommended for Saga. The information used is collected from sources online, and from books, specifically the theories supporting the arguments made in the report.
In this report, the marketing communication strategy identified is evaluated and analysed along with several promotional techniques using various media forms. Saga has the financial capacity to undertake this project and make it successful as it would be beneficial for the business and the customers.
Table of contents TOC \o "1-3" \h \z \u Executive Summary PAGEREF _Toc384869028 \h 21.1 Background of Saga PAGEREF _Toc384869029 \h 4Table 1: SWOT analysis Saga PAGEREF _Toc384869030 \h 51.2 Product Analysis PAGEREF _Toc384869031 \h 51.3 Saga Branding PAGEREF _Toc384869032 \h 61.4 Market Segment & Target Segment PAGEREF _Toc384869033 \h 61.5 Objective & Vision PAGEREF _Toc384869034 \h 71.6 Reports Aim PAGEREF _Toc384869035 \h 82. Marketing Communication Strategy PAGEREF _Toc384869036 \h 83. Promotional Communication Methods PAGEREF _Toc384869037 \h 103.1 What methods will be used and why PAGEREF _Toc384869038 \h 103.2 Magazine and Newspaper advertising PAGEREF _Toc384869039 \h 123.3 Event held by
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