Saint Monica
Saint Monica Saint Monica, mother of Saint Augustine of Hippo is most famously known for the conversion of her husband, Patricius, and Saint Augustine. She was born in Tagaste, North Africa and is known to be of Berber origin because of her name. There she was born and raised by her mother and father. As soon as she was old enough, her parents arranged her marriage to a Tagaste official. Saint Monica’s marriage to Patricius was difficult in many ways imaginable. Not only was he much older than her, but he also had a very violent temper. Another reason that their marriage was not as happy as it could have been was the fact that her good deeds, prayer, and holy ways aggravated him. Of course she was not the only woman who had an unhappy marriage but she set an example for others through her patience, sweetness, and respect for her husband. Patricius, nor his mother, ever had any intentions of converting to the Christian faith. Through her prayer and faith she was able to convert them both. The conversion of her husband and mother-in- law, were much easier than the conversion of her eldest son, who became known as Saint Augustine of Hippo. She prayed for 17 long years, while also begging for the prayers of others such as priests. At one point she had given up hope that her son would ever convert so she refused to let him sleep or eat in her household. She was only convinced to make amends in the relationship between her and her son after she had a vision. The vision portrayed her and Saint Augustine standing on the same rule united in the same faith. Finally, with the help of later to be pronounced Saint Ambrose, Saint Augustine converted to the Christian faith. On her way back to Tagaste, Africa, Saint Monica suffered for nine days. She died and was buried at Ostia, Rome. Her son was inspired so much by her determination that he wrote his book “Confessions. This is where most about Saint Monica’s marriage, childhood, and final days are found. She is now
Bibliography: "St. Monica | Saint of the Day |" American Catholic: Franciscan Media: Catholic News Magazine Books Videos. Franciscans and St. Anthony Messenger Press, 1996 - 2010. Web. 27 Oct. 2011. .
"St. Monica - Saints & Angels." Catholic Online. Catholic Online, 2011. Web. 27 Oct. 2011. .
"Saint Monica." Women for Faith and Family Home Page. Voices, 1999 - present. Web. 27 Oct. 2011. .