Brenda thinks we should use the current trade journal ads because the quality of the applicants generated off an internet job site may not be as good as those from our current trade journal ads. Besides that, Brenda said they should get to consider the cost as well as the number of qualified applicants. She likes to hire experienced reps, and those who respond to the internet ads are much less likely to have the experienced she prefers. Brenda also cost-conscious, the total selection for our current ads is $59, and for the internet ads they would increase to $124. The quality of the internet applicant would be lower and therefore we would make few offers then we usually do.
But Brenda Crohn’s guesstimate and estimate are wrong, so Galactica should change from using its current trade journal ads to internet ads. Based on John Stubbins suggestion, he said that through the internet, we can reach a lot more candidates and also need a large pool of people to find qualified candidates. Even if Galactica hired few of them, they would rather have a bigger pool to pick them. The most positive aspect of web based recruiting is that the cost of obtaining these resume is very small. Also voluntary applicant usually know something about the firm and have shown some initiative submitting their resume. John only consider about the number of applicant the internet ads would generate because current ads can generate and average of 1.2 applicants per ads. But John expects more than twice that number from internet ads. Although the initial cost of reaching recruits through ads is low, additional screening may be needed to weed out those who are clearly unqualified and although the internet ads cost more to Galactica but there can get a bigger pool of candidates. Even if Galactica reject a hire