The female, which is the one on the right, is taller meaning that she has more control. During the 20th century, women being the one who wears the pants in relationship is a taboo. Instead of painting actual human beings, he painted to be made out of gigantic stone, secluded from people like the one below them. The couple also has their head down as if they are ashamed to be with each other. This could be because the male figure is embarrassed that his partner has the complete dominance. He could have lost his control because he is weak or incapable or the woman figure could have overpowered him. His body's a golden tone and it looks as if he was sitting on a chair with his arms crossed over against his lap. There is also an oval shaped on top of his head that could be his hair tied up. The woman, even having all the control is shown as depressed because she could not help her partner. Her body is more of a silver hue and she looks disproportional and unnatural. Her prolonged neck and head is horizontally sticking and poking out. The upper body is way shorter compared to her long legs. There is also space in between the two figures that can symbolize their gradual separation as a couple. The small human being down below is pointing at the woman stone figure to his or her child like she is the one to blame. The dark colors surrounding the focus creates a melancholic and dreary mood. Both figures has trees and plants connected down by their legs and there are birds flying away near or from their
The female, which is the one on the right, is taller meaning that she has more control. During the 20th century, women being the one who wears the pants in relationship is a taboo. Instead of painting actual human beings, he painted to be made out of gigantic stone, secluded from people like the one below them. The couple also has their head down as if they are ashamed to be with each other. This could be because the male figure is embarrassed that his partner has the complete dominance. He could have lost his control because he is weak or incapable or the woman figure could have overpowered him. His body's a golden tone and it looks as if he was sitting on a chair with his arms crossed over against his lap. There is also an oval shaped on top of his head that could be his hair tied up. The woman, even having all the control is shown as depressed because she could not help her partner. Her body is more of a silver hue and she looks disproportional and unnatural. Her prolonged neck and head is horizontally sticking and poking out. The upper body is way shorter compared to her long legs. There is also space in between the two figures that can symbolize their gradual separation as a couple. The small human being down below is pointing at the woman stone figure to his or her child like she is the one to blame. The dark colors surrounding the focus creates a melancholic and dreary mood. Both figures has trees and plants connected down by their legs and there are birds flying away near or from their