“Salvation for all” means saving our souls from sins and its consequences for all people. The Jesus, Luke portrays in his gospel is a compassionate Jesus who is tender and forgiving. This image of Jesus portrayed relates to the theme as throughout Luke's Gospel, Luke shows that Jesus offers salvation to all people no matter what their gender, race or status in society is. No matter who they are, Jesus offers salvation to all people. This is important for people because it shows that “Salvation for all” is not strictly for one group of people, that it is open to anyone and everyone of all kinds of backgrounds.
The theme of “Salvation for all” runs all throughout the Gospel of Luke. The theme is clearly present in the two passages I have studied in detail. The first passage is The Parable of the Good Samaritan (Lk 10:25-37). The literary form identified …show more content…
The literary form identified in this passage is a Narrative. A narrative is a story that is told or written. I think Luke used a narrative to communicate the theme “Salvation for all” to simply tell the story and to give an example of Jesus’ compassion and love. The passage follows Jesus who is invited to eat with one of the Pharisees. Later during the dinner a sinful woman arrives uninvited and begins to anoints Jesus’ feet. She wet his feet with her tears, then she wiped them with her hair, kissed them and poured perfume on them. Jesus welcomes the sinful woman with open arms, much to the Pharisees disliking. This passage shows the theme salvation for all as even though the woman was sinful and outcast by society Jesus still accepted her as her actions reflected her faith. The woman was the only one to anoint Jesus even though he was at a feast amongst Pharisees. “Do you see this woman? I came into your house. You did not give me any water for my feet, but she wet my feet with her tears and wiped them with her hair.” This shows that Jesus decided to overlook her “flaws” and forgives her sins as her act of love shows her strong faith. Jesus welcomed her because of the possibility that by forgiving her, she may realise the greatness of God and his gracious forgiveness. The theme Salvation for all is apparent in this as it conveys the message that even though people have sinned the forgiveness and