Two young people which is Sam and Layton spending a lot of time together alone, while the others busy like they …show more content…
Every time she took the subject up and talks about it her father has looked dismayed at her every time. After a week she talks with her father that she has accepted the scholarship and they only thing he said was that he will miss her. She tries to come up with the other subject that night when her father leaves her alone, but she changed her mind. She tells herself that it is not his fault and he maybe not he does not enjoying to what he will be watching that night. She tries to talk about it again and she decided again to not say anything at all. They relationship is not so good to talk about that stuff to each other, and a lot is unsaid, which is too hard for Sam. I think her decision it could be bit of revenge they way her father is or it could be that she trying to run away from that episode that happened in that trip. Because it maybe has changed her and she is in shock. The last reason could that now she is “gowned up” and she is ready to live her own