
Same Love Macklemore Analysis

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Same Love Macklemore Analysis
“You’re a faggot.” “Ew, that’s so gay.” Take a minute and think about how many times you hear these phrases on a daily basis. Slanderous terms like these are some among many other homophobic sayings that are used daily by people all over the world. Why is this? How have the terms ‘faggot’ and ‘gay’ become part of our daily vocabulary? How have these terms become synonymous with the terms ‘lame’ or ‘stupid’? With the youth of our world bred into constant hateful thoughts, the possibility for a positive outlook for our future generations is slim. Macklemore’s song and music video, Same Love, aims to point the youth in our society in a new and forward thinking direction. Macklemore, who is one of the most popular artists in today’s hip-hop industry, recognizes the issues within our society and uses his influence on people to help make a difference in the world. The goal of the song lyrics is to show Macklemore’s belief in supporting equality in the LGBT community and to also emphasize how important it is that people are respectful of and do not discriminate against them. …show more content…
Repetition of key words in the chorus help the listener really focus on the overall message that is being conveyed by the chorus of the song. “And I can’t change, even if I tried, even if I wanted to. My love, my love, my love, she keeps me warm. She keeps me warm, she keeps me warm.” The words being repeated a large amount of times are love and warm. With these words being repeated so many times within the chorus, the person listening to the song starts to pick up on how much the main character in this story really needs and loves their significant other. These words are repeated to express how love giving them everything they need in life like being warm and that if they didn’t have the warmth and love brought into their life they wouldn’t be able to continue

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