Most children are from one foster home to another and some never get adopted. The article, “Can Gay Marriage Solve our Adoption Problem?”, by Megan Mcardle, talks about how allowing gay couples to adopt can lower the amount of children in foster care. It also talks about how kids are better off with two loving parents of the same sex than to not be adopted at all. Not to mention, there are about 100,000 children that are eligible for adoption and with letting same-sex couples adopt it will decrease that amount significantly. According to the article,”Equality in Marriage May not Bring Equality in Adoption,” states that many gay and lesbian couples will have to follow the current system which is that they will not be allowed to adopted in many states across the country. The reason being is, that married gay and lesbian couples are not recognized and it will take time for certain states to adjust to them. This is important to recognize because the United States is facing a shortage of adoptive parents. If same-sex couples are allowed to adopt in all the states there will be a rise in adoption parents and more children will have loving homes. On the other hand, some argue that children will face problems in school like being bullied or being harassed because of having same-sex parents. However, in an article made in 2013 shows that children are being less bullied in school …show more content…
The article, “5 Scientific Reasons Gay Parents are Awesome” goes in detail about how gay and lesbian couples can be parents and can adopt. One of the reasons is that same-sex couples plan their kids while most heterosexual couples do not. They are more prepared and motivated to have children than heterosexual couples on average. The article also states that in a recent study done children that were adopted by a same-sex couples learned to be more confident because of the active involvement of the parents. Some people may argue, that if children are raised by same-sex parents they will be missing the role of one gender. However, in a study done in 2010 states that children with same-sex parents are well adjusted as well as children with heterosexual parents. According to the article,”Do Same-sex Couples Impact the Mental Health of their Children?,” by Lizette Borreli, states that in a study done children raised by gay or lesbian parents are shown to do as well as other children. In fact, the research has found that the children with same-sex parents show higher levels of social and academic