Ethan Zaharia
Enc 1101- Fall 08
Education is perhaps the most important endeavor a person can attempt in their life. Studies show those who have a post high school degree of some kind will earn considerably more during their working years than those who don’t. Though many classes may seem inapplicable to the work force or a future career, the skills developed such as group work, critical thinking, and exposure to disciplines that one would not otherwise study offers the potential for personal growth not found in everyday life and experience. In the last ten years, and with the advent and success of the Internet, online classes, and shorter eight-week classes have gained popularity among students and universities alike. I intend to argue that these shortcuts to education are a bastardization of a pure (and better) academic system, and is more detrimental to students than helpful. Though most administrators will be quick to promote these shorter classes by saying the same amount of material is covered as in a 16 week class, it is obvious this is simply good public relations to achieve student retention. Further, online classes will also be analyzed and deconstructed. This portion of the paper will focus mainly on face-to-face interaction as well as the dialectic method of teaching. The premise of this essay will be that students are being pushed through an ever more basic (simplified, dumbed down) education system that breeds only mediocrity; and the use of eight-week classes and online classes seek only to perpetuate this mediocrity with the students’ education and our nations brain trust suffering. For research: professors of varying ages will be asked via a simple questionnaire their feelings about the alternative classroom methods, an online education source and at least three books (articles) on pedagological