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Phone contact +
IST-EPFL Joint Doctoral Initiative c/o Prof. José Santos-Victor
VP International Affairs
Conselho de Gestão
Instituto Superior Técnico
Av. Rovisco Pais, 1
1049-001 Lisbon
Date, .
Subject: IST-EPFL Joint Doctoral Initiative, Grant Acceptance
Dear Sirs,
I hereby acknowledge that I understand, agree to abide by, and comply fully with the Terms and Conditions of the FCT Doctoral Grant1, offered in the framework of the IST-EPFL Joint Doctoral Initiative2.
I further confirm that:
The address included above should be used for all matters concerning contract preparation.
The first academic year of the program shall be spent at IST/EPFL (choose one)
Yours sincerely,
Annexes: Acceptance letter for IST-EPFL Joint Doctoral Initiative
Research Plan, if available Original Diplomas (Will be returned after process completion) Acceptance letter by thesis supervisor