Use this sample grant proposal to help you in the process of preparing your own request for funding. Check with your state department of education to see if they require a certain format in their request for proposal (RFP). Many foundations also have specific requirements. This sample grant proposal contains: • • • • Sample Cover Letter Sample Cover Page Sample Grant Proposal Sample Letter Format Grant Proposal for Foundations
Kurzweil Educational Systems 14 Crosby Drive Bedford, MA 01730 800-894-5374
Copyright © 2002 Kurzweil Educational Systems
Sample Cover Letter for Grant Proposal
The cover letter should contain a summary of your proposal, introduce your organization and summarize any …show more content…
It enables all children access to state and national curricula and conforms to today’s research focused funding requirements. With the Kurzweil 3000, a student with reading difficulties has access to textbooks and classroom materials displayed as an exact image on the computer screen. The text is then read aloud using the highest quality, most human sounding synthetic speech while highlighting words and sentences visually on screen. One of the benefits of using assistive reading technology, such as the Kurzweil 3000, is that students are able access classroom textbooks for increased access to general curriculum materials. This means they can use the same materials used in the classroom and the students are able to continue learning in the least restrictive environment. In addition to reading tools, Kurzweil 3000 includes audible tools to assist word decoding (syllabification and spelling), tools to assist with writing (spell-checking and word-prediction), and a tool that speaks and highlights pages from the Internet, opening up a whole world of knowledge. The Kurzweil 300 can also be used for classroom and standardized test-taking, offering more independence for both the student and teacher. Assistive reading technology has been shown (e.g., Heckler, L., Burns, L., Katz, L., Elkind, J., and Elkind, K. 2002 ; Elkind 1998) to help poor readers increase reading speed and comprehension, as well as increase attention. References Heckler, L., Burns, L., Katz, L., Elkind, J., and Elkind, K. 2002 Benefits of Assistive Reading Software for Students with Attention Disorders. Annals of Dyslexia, To Appear December 2002 Volume 52 Elkind, J. 1998. A Study of the Efficacy of the Kurzweil 3000 Reading Machine in Enhancing Poor Reading Performance. Portola Valley, CA: Lexia Institute Wise, B. and Olson, R. 1995 Computer-based Phonological Awareness and Reading Instruction. Annals of Dyslexia 45:99-122 Elkind, J., Cohen K., and