Title: Executive Director
Reports to: General Manager
Based at: ……………Co. ltd.
Job purpose:
To direct, manage and control the project activity of ...............................................
Responsibilities and accountabilities of ED: 1. Identify, develop and direct the implementation of project strategy. 2. Plan and direct the project activities to achieve stated/agreed targets and standards for overall project performance. 3. Recruit/select and develop executive members in consultation with management boards. 4. Direct functions and performance of project team members. 5. Maintain and develop values and reputation with all staff, funding agency, partners/donors, and regulatory/official bodies. 6. Execute the responsibilities of a project director according to lawful and ethical standards of the constitution of ................... 7. To be accountable to................................................
Title: Project Officer
Reports to: Executive Director
Based at:
Job purpose:
To look after project activities in consultation with Executive Director, under …………project in order to ensure smooth functioning of the project.
Responsibilities and accountabilities of PO: 1. Planning, designing and budgeting projects and implementing strategy in consultation with the Executive Director (ED). 2. Plan and arrange monitoring, review, evaluation, research and surveys in consultation with ED 3. Assess, inspect and examine project works in the field and in the office. 4. Monitor performance (in relevant areas) and take necessary action to communicate/advise/assist. 5. Monitor and facilitate Assistant Project Officer, Accountant cum Project Assistant and Field Facilitators. 6. Verify and scrutinize reports (financial, narrative and other reports) from assistant project officer, accountant and field facilitators and ensure timely dispatch (of Financial, Narrative & Audit