Research Design The furtherance of the study employed descriptive and explanatory research methods. These research designs enabled the researcher to accomplish his objective in determining the significant effect of intrinsic and extrinsic job satisfaction to OCBI and OCBO.
The participants in this study were the full-time regular faculty members of the eight colleges of Holy Angel University. The said units have the following numbers of regular faculty members: College of Arts, Sciences and Education (CASED) – 69, College of Business and Accountancy (CBA) – 25, College of Hospitality Management (CHM) – 3, College of Engineering and Architecture (CEA) – 22, College of Information and Communication Technology (CICT) – 8, College of Nursing and Allied Medical Services (CNAMS) – 26, College of Criminal Justice and Forensics (CCJEF) – 1, Institute of Christian Formation and Social Integration (ICFSI) – 15. In totality, there are 169 regular tenured-employees. Sampling was done proportionately after determining the statistically sound number of respondents using Cochran sampling method. The determined number of sample was 118 tenured-employees. And the distribution of the 118 respondents per college or units is as follows: CASED – 48, CBA – 17, CHM – 2, CEA – 15, CCJEF – 1, CICT – 6, CNAMNS – 18, and ICSFI – 10.
Sources of Data Primary sources of data were used in this study. Mainly, the answers of the respondents from the fix alternative questionnaire are the sources of the primary information. Secondary information coming from books, online resources, e-books, and e-journals, and previous studies were utilized to obtain necessary information in the completion of this endeavour.
To obtain the information regarding the OCBO, OCBI and job satisfaction, a self-administered questionnaire were used. The questionnaire consists sixteen (16) items to measure the OCBO and OCBI were adopted from William and Anderson study