1Love what you 're doing when you 're selling a product. The popular image of a salesperson as someone willing to "sell at all costs" is not the reality across the board in sales. A good salesperson loves sales, is motivated by what they 're selling, and transfers this enthusiasm and belief to the customer. Indeed, the customer is given options, including the one to walk away, in order to avoid such undue pressure.
Learn how to listen to customers and to read their body language. Avoid interrupting or disagreeing with a customer, and provide your customer with space to talk. Know how to interpret a customer 's folded arms, eye contact, and manner of standing toward or away from you. Make the customer comfortable and you 're off to a good start in selling your product.
2Be knowledgeable about the product. There is nothing more infuriating to a potential customer than to come across a half-hearted salesperson who claims uncertainty about what the product can and can 't do, what it 's made from, and what happens when things in it stop working. It is absolutely vital to know your product range inside out and if you do not know something a customer asks of you, let them know you 'll find out and get back to them as soon as possible.
3Help the customer see the perks. As well as getting good product information to the right people, it is important to translate the product 's features into benefits for the customer, thus making it easier for them to buy.
Have you used the product, tested it, tried it out, or worked with it--whichever is relevant?
Do you feel comfortable about being able to talk to a customer as someone totally familiar with the product?
Ask yourself one simple question: Why should a customer buy my product? If the only answer you can come up with is "So I can get paid," you 're selling the wrong product.
4Ensure that the product has been adequately explained. Good product information, including retail
Citations: ↑ Mark H McCormack, What they don 't teach you at Harvard Business School, pp. 127-130, (1986), ISBN 0-00-636953-7 ↑ Mark H McCormack, What they don 't teach you at Harvard Business School, p