Nexting versus Nixing
Stewart (2012) identified a particular skill called nexting that may help me to overcome my C tendency to be critical (UY Assessment) and even move to level 3 listening instead of my level 1 and 2 listening propensity for fake listening or hearing just enough to interject my position or argument into the conversation (Burley-Allen, Levels of Listening section - pp. 13-21). I need to remember the definition and comments about this skill:
By nexting I mean something helpful next, responding fruitfully to what's just happened, taking an additional step in the communication process….Since you realize that communication is complex, continuous, and collaborative, you'll always recognize that, no matter what's happened before and no matter how bad things currently look, you always have the option to try a next step. (Stewart, p. 29-30)
Nexting is especially helpful when I realize that my internal conversation does not often think about how I can move the conversation or relationship forward, but more about how I can move someone over to my point of view. Perhaps I need to think about how I can move the conversation up to a new level. As a believer, I can provision the Holy Spirit to help me remember this insight and pursue the good of another rather than what I want (1 Cor. 10:24). In fact, nexting will probably help me to communicate more effectively with my son. BTW, I wonder if some of the other readings ahead are going to provide some techniques to help me check the C-ness of my internal