This research proposal implies on teenage pregnancy and its effect on academic progression. There will be association between teenage pregnancy and academic progression places evidence that education should put weight on reality adhering to teenage pregnancy. Understanding teenage pregnancy within UK context is adamant to the purpose of study. Thus, the expectation that teenage pregnancy will be reduced by proper academic programs, school based prevention ways towards teenage pregnancy. The need to find out basis if such teenage pregnancy has positive effect on academic progression, meaning towards a positive behavior of teenagers while having their academic life. Another would be negative effect of teenage pregnancy on academic progression. Indeed, research on the decision to continue or terminate teenage pregnancy is sparse. Research study will seek to address certain gap in research literature through analysing the educational dimensions of decision to continue teenage pregnancy by means of using data collection in case study survey approach. Research will review qualitative methodology, its strengths, application, and potential weaknesses. Presence of comprehensive range of qualitative techniques are to be reviewed, issues will be highlighted for framing the area of investigation, the epistemological issues of causality, induction, case selection, as well level of explanation regarding teenage pregnancy and academic progress. Research questions
Research questions are essential part of the research process, as this will imply a solid connection towards secondary knowledge composed of peer reviewed studies such as from academic centered journals and articles, also from documented information and facts from books having contents about leadership and change. The research questions serve as the initial organization flow of the study’s review of the literature which leads to the creation of
References: Fergusson, D. and Woodward, L. (2000). Teenage Pregnancy and Female Educational Underachievement: A Prospective Study of a New Zealand Birth Cohort. Journal of Marriage and Family, Vol. 62, No. 1 (Feb., 2000), pp. 147-161. National Council on Family Relations Hoyt, H. and Broom, B. (2002). School-Based Teen Pregnancy Prevention Programs: A Review of the Literature. Journal of School Nursing, v18 n1 p11-17 Kaplan B & Maxwell, J.A (1994): Qualitative Research Methods for Evaluation Computer Information Systems. In Anderson J G, C E Aydin and S J Jay (eds) (1994): Evaluating Health Care Information System: Methods and Applications. Sage. Thousand Oaks, CA, pp 45-68