Welcome to AP Statistics!
You have selected a course unlike any other math course. The purpose of this Summer Assignment is to:
1. Give you information on what to expect, and how this course is different from other math courses.
2. Refresh your knowledge on statistics topics that you should know prior to this course.
3. Give you a chance to demonstrate your ability to analyze data and write conclusions.
The Assignment is divided into 8 parts. We start with an interesting study in “counterintuitive” statistics called
Simpson’s Paradox. The next 6 parts provide a refresher on topics of graphing and describing data that you should already know, with some practice. The last part gives you a chance to see how we can identify and deal with “problems” we may encounter as we try to collect data and make conclusions from data.
1. Simpson’s Paradox – A special situation where you may draw two very different conclusions from the same set of data.
2. Quantitative & Categorical Data – Two different types of data.
3. Categorical Graphs – Bar graphs & pie charts.
4. “Center” & “Spread” for Quantitative Data – Mean, median, standard deviation, etc.
5. Quantitative Graphs – DotPlots, StemPlots, Histograms, BoxPlots, Ogives.
6. Describing Quantitative Graphs – Shape, center, spread, symmetric vs. skewed, etc.
7. Comparative Plots – Graphs comparing two sets of data.
8. Reasoning – Propose an explanation for why three different people get three different answers to the same question. Who is correct?
Several worksheets accompany the different sections. These worksheets, beginning on page 28, will be collected and graded on the second day of class in September. There will also be a quiz or test within the first
3 weeks of class on the material in this packet.
AP Statistics is unlike other math courses. It might best be described as “Decision-Making With Uncertainty”.
In other math courses