This newspaper article is about Lenny Curry’s new budget in Jacksonville for 40 more police officers. Lenny Curry first took a passenger seat view of what police officers have to go through in their training. Then he signed a bill for 40 more officers. But this if far from over, “It’s not a victory lap,” Sherriff Mike Williams says.…
The photo above was taken in Pensacola Beach, Florida in May 2017 at just about sunset at 7:23 PM. As you can see from the picture, there is very little beach left in Pensacola. One reason is linked to rising sea levels from global warming of the Earth’s climate system. New ocean water from melting reservoirs of ice could potentially raise the sea level as much as 3 feet by the year 2100 (Florida Oceans and Coastal Council). Increased water temperatures are also linked to increased hurricane activity, which has the potential to cause severe damage to the coastline. As you can see from picture 2, the beach area is much smaller after hurricane Ivan came through. Buildings damaged from hurricanes had to be relocated and replaced and others will…
I would like to personally thank you for all the extra effort and dedication you have shown while taking care of the San Luis Obispo automotive department. The shop has never performed as well as it is with you running the show all by yourself. Your operations team in San Luis Obispo cannot thank us enough for bringing you on board. You have shown what it means to be a true UPSer and shown that you truly care about the equipment you work on, and the drivers you’re doing it for. Once again thank you for your…
The Free Soil Party is an important but overlooked aspect of party history. It was created by "Conscience Whigs", who supported Whig ideology but felt that the lack of policy on slavery in the party was unacceptable. While no United States presidents have been a member of this party, which was formed in 1848 and disbanded in 1854, 1848 Free Soil candidate Martin Van Buren took enough votes away from the Democratic candidate at the time, leading to the election of Whig Party member Zachary Taylor. The Free Soil Party motto was "Free soil, free speech, free labor, and free men" . It is considered to be yet another predecessor to the Republican…
Bernard “Bernie” Sanders is a current United States Senator and Democratic political candidate. He has been a constant supporter of complete social, economic, and political equality for everyone. Sanders has consistently stood up for civil and minority rights. Throughout his 74 years of life he has had many great achievements involving his career; such as, being the longest serving independent member of congress in United States history.…
Throughout history there are people who are doomed to die without living a full life from the moment they take their first breath. Robert "Yummy" Sandifer is one of the hundreds of deaths in Chicago who did not have the chance to live a good life, no chance to be happy, or even experience what most children take for granted. Robert didn't have the oppertunity to become a functioning member of society because of his family, negative gang influences and laws that did nothing to protect the at risk youth in Chicago.…
The silver dollar is one of the most popular fish today for tropical fish enthusiasts and is therefore found in artificial aquariums all around the world. Silver dollar are generally quite sociable find, spending their lives amongst the weeds in the well-vegetated parts of the river where there is a good supply of food and protection from passing predators. The silver dollar is a very distinctive and easily-recognized species of tropical fish due to its rounded disk-like body which is a glimmering silver in color. In the wild, silver dollar also supplements their diet with small invertebrates including insect’s worms and…
The US has many fabulous beaches that offer spectacular activities whether for the whole family, couples or even friends. The best beaches in United States are truly desirable from sun up to sun down.…
For my final essay I would like for my topic to go more in depth into the genre of religious/mythic fiction. To do this I want to establish the connection of the storyline of The Sandman and religion/mythology. The thesis statement that I plan to use will be somewhere along the lines of: “In Neil Gaiman’s The Sandman: Season of Mists, the readers are shown the use of multiple religions as well as mythologies that connect and form its storyline. This paper will focus on the detailed web that connects the religious systems to the storyline.”…
There is no man as valuable as a man that helps others, and no man is as helpful as the "sugar daddy" It is rare to find a woman who hasn't met him or hasn't been helped by "sugar daddy" because he is everywhere. Some say he was created by an unknown force in the universe as a gift to women who are in distress. If that is true we should treat the "sugar daddy" as a "holy man" and hope his presence will be eternal. But there are those that despise him and wish he would go away. There are many reasons for their anger. The main reason is jealousy. A financially insecure young man is sure to be deeply hurt when his woman is taken away from him by a "sugar daddy". But it is unfair to put the blame on others when his former girlfriend chose what…
body. This impact can cause a temporary loss of brain function. Recent studies have shown that 75 – 95% of concussions…
These are thesis statements from student essays in a previous course I taught. After reading them over, consider what works or doesn’t work about each of them, specifically as interpretative claims regarding social practices or visual texts. While analyzing each thesis statement, ignore any grammatical errors or factual inaccuracies. Please print this page and bring it with you to our next class meeting.…
A thesis expresses the judgment of someone who has thoughtfully examined a body of evidence on a topic. It is an informed and debatable statement that is the foundation of any effective expository writing or research project. A thesis statement makes a claim or expresses a point of view that others might disagree with.…
The Felis margarita, most commonly know as the Sand cat or the Sand dune cat, is a small, stocky, endangered feline. Its legs are relatively short and its tail is longer than average. Their fur is a pale sandy ocherous color with black and white markings differing between each individual. A broad head with pointy ears is an unique distinguishing factor of these desert hunters. (1)…
Tragedy, in multiple views leads to grief, misery and may even cause emotional desensitization. However this solely depends on the cause of such tragedy. A simple tragedy exists as a result of the irony of combining diverse religion and cultures and is especially expressed in the story “Sandpiper”. Here author Ahdaf Soueif expresses cultural differences through the breaking relationship of a European writer and her Egyptian husband. Acquiescent undermine passivity…