November 2004 by Marisa Laursen and Robert Talbert
This reference guide evolved naturally out of our studies of Ayurveda and deepening interest in the original language of this sacred science. It was compiled with the loving intent of helping to make the ancient language of Sanskrit more accessible to students and practitioners of Ayurveda. This reference contains the terms used in the primary textbooks utilized by the California College of Ayurveda plus terms drawn from a variety of other sources. The language of Sanskrit is vast, and this guide represents only a starting point for one’s studies. It is the intention of the authors to provide updated versions as a continuing reference.
Om Namaste
Marisa Laursen:
Rob Talbert:
A abadha abhyanga abhyaïga That which produces constant discomfort. Ayurvedic massage; specifically, the application of herbal oils to the body and its subsequent absorption into the body. abhyantara krimi abhyantara snehana abhysyandis Advaita Vedänta Advaita Vedänta äbhyaïtara snehana Herbs which block the channel of rasavaha srota, causing congestion. One of the three systems of thought in Vedanda philosophy popularized by Shankara. It teaches that the manifest creation, the soul, and God are identical. This non-dualist form argues that we are the whole and that parts are simply illusion. agni Fire; the force residing within the body that creates digestion; responsible for the transformation of one substance into another; metabolism. Agni is contained within pitta. agnidosa agnisadana aham brahmasmi ahamkara ahara rasa ajna ajna chakra ahamkära ähära rasa äjïä äjïä chakra faulty agni Herbs which reduce appetite. I am Brahma (in Vedanta philosophy) Sense of self or separateness; loosely translated as ego The elemental form, or essence, of food (the quality of the food as opposed to the food itself). Command The sixth chakra,
References: Feuerstein, Georg, Shambala Encyclopedia of Yoga, Shambhala Publications, Inc., Boston, Massachusetts, 1997. Fischer-Schreiber, Ingrid, The Encyclopedia of Eastern Philosophy and Religion, Shambhala Publications, Inc., Boston, Massachusetts, 1986, translation 1989. Halpern, Marc, Principles of Ayurvedic Medicine, 5th edition, Student’s Textbook, Part One, California College of Ayurveda, Grass Valley, California, January 2003. Halpern, Marc, Clinical Ayurvedic Medicine, 4th edition, Student’s Textbook, Part Two, California College of Ayurveda, Grass Valley, California, August 2003. Lad, Vasant, Secrets of the Pulse, The Ayurvedic Press, Albuquerque, New Mexico, 1996. Lad, Vasant, Textbook of Ayurveda, The Ayurvedic Press, Albuquerque, New Mexico, 2001. Macdonell, Arthur Anthony, A Practical Sanskrit Dictionary with Transliteration Accentuation and Etymological Analysis Throughout, Manohar Publishers & Distributors, New Delhi, 2001. Tirtha, Swami Sada Shiva, The Ayurveda Encyclopedia, Ayurveda Holistic Center Press, Bayville, New York, 1998.