The entirety of “The Defense against the Dark Arts Cartoon” represents mockery and parody as it makes fun of grand ideas which people have proposed and parodies the behavior of …show more content…
For instance, the diction “I’m afraid being the chosen one will only get you so far,” is a great example of the lack of hopefulness being shown by the Australian public. Although he is seen as the current suitable option, Turnbull’s arrival is greatly disputed having already back flipped on certain promises which saw him gain power. In addition, sarcasm has also been applied to further suggest the lack of conviction being shown in our current prime minister. As seen in the cartoon, the expression “our new CE-LEB-RI-TY,” can be inferred to exhibit the fact that the change in power will awaken no substantial changes amongst Australians, having already seen 5 ministerial changes in as many years. Therefore, the elements of captioning and sarcasm clearly enhance Pope’s view of Malcolm Turnbull as untrustworthy and duplicitous, hence the pointless nature of his