Eng. 110
Mr. Lewenstein
Save the Planet Essay In today’s society, people are exposing our planet to more harmful chemicals every day. The chemicals are able to help in succeeding with some experiments and new inventions, but too much of it is causing great damage to our environment. For example, contamination of chemicals can occur in the water we drink. In-taking the water is dangerous for everyone and can most likely affect our health. Also, too many chemicals can add a huge amount of pollution in an area, which affects the air we breathe and cause possibly even death. What makes these chemicals bad for our health is mainly because of how they are spread through our entire environment. Then, sadly, there have been some cases where all these chemicals lead to individuals getting cancer and is difficult to survive because of how harsh the chemicals are. The purpose of controlling how many chemicals are used is to ensure the safety of other human beings and the environment that surrounds us. Although chemicals can be of assistance in our daily lives, they are extremely hazardous for us in the long run. Many can agree that the exposure of an excessive amount of chemicals should be banned, but some may disagree. Believe it or not, chemicals are actually part of a person’s daily life. There are some people that are okay with chemicals all around because they are used for
Castillo 2 other reasons. For example, chemicals are used for cleaning materials for a home and help fight off any bacteria that may be on surfaces. As for the environment, people use mostly pesticides and other chemicals to protect the crops that are being grown. In other words, many farmers would not be happy about chemical use being decreased. They will highly disagree with decreasing the amount of chemicals and think it is unfair by cutting the supply that they can so easily get access to. Back to the specific chemical, pesticide, are used for pest control,