Tien Ho
Period 2
• Water is a precious resource, but not infinite, thus saving water is always essential even in areas with abundant water resources. In addition to saving household spending, saving water also helps prevent depletion of groundwater resources, prevent water pollution in the basin. • California is the most productive agricultural state in the union, and agriculture uses 80 percent of California’s water. In a year with practically none of the stuff, that’s enough to send ripple effects throughout the country.
1.Estimated potable water savings for residential homes in Southern California.
Freshwater use in California
• The largest percentage of water consumption (77%) in
California is attributed to agriculture (Figure 1) with an estimated 13% for urban residential use (both single- and multi-family). In Southern California (the South Coast
Hydrologic Region), however, about 54% of the water consumption (Figure 2) is attributed to urban residential use, which accounts for the largest usage of potable water by the municipal and industrial (M&I) sector (i.e., the urban sector). Although use of water by the M&I sector in the
South Coast Hydrologic Region represents a small fraction of California’s total water use (~6%), the loss of even a small percentage of this potable water apportionment can have significant impact on the quality of life in urban areas
so, we know that water is very important to us. People can't live 2 days without water. The following, i will show you some ways which could save water in daily activites:
1) Brush Teeths:
• First, you open the tap, wet brush and then taps again. Toothpaste on the brush, start oral hygiene.
Use a glass, taking just enough water to gargle, wash brushes instead of turning on the faucet dripping water when you're brushing your teeth. 2) Cooking:
• You should put a small basin of water after each side to cut vegetables, onions, garlic ... you usually wash