(C) In adult patients with excess gingival display, will lip repositioning permanently improve esthetic outcome?
Follow up time was inconsistent in the included studies, ranging from 1 week to 4 years. No conclusions can be drawn about longevity from the collected data, but the authors of the included studies reported stable results except for Dayakar et al. 31,in which complete relapse was reported at 12 months.
Lip repositioning …show more content…
Careful pre-surgical assessment of patients is essential to be able to achieve the desired result. This assessment is important to not only determine etiology and contributing factors but predict outcome. Pre-surgical assessment of possible etiologic factors has to include an evaluation of facial balance, lip movement, and dental proportions.
Dental assessment should be considered thoroughly as it is a common contributing factor to EGD, one that is easily remedied, yet essential for ideal smile outcomes. An often overlooked parameter in pre-surgical assessment is lip movement. In order to arrive at a diagnosis of hypermobile/incompetent lip movement should be carefully measured. Only 4 studies15, 20, 32, 33 measured lip movement preoperatively and all failed to report a difference after the surgery. Preoperative and postoperative lip movement should be accurately recorded in future studies to assess …show more content…
However, there is in sufficient data in the current literature to draw any conclusions regarding long term stability, factors influencing outcome, or technique modifications. The presented data is mostly based on case reports and prospective studies with a limited number of patients and limited data. More studies are necessary to properly evaluate the technique. Recommendation for future studies:
• Pre-surgical evaluation should include facial balance, lip movement and dental proportion with exact measurements.
• An exact measurement of gingival exposure and lip length should be performed. Both parameters must be accurately measured pre and post-surgical.
• Surgical techniques must be standardized and recorded in details.
• A follow up of 6-12 months at the very least is essential to allow a fair evaluation of the stability of the result.
• Randomized clinical trials are necessary to allow a comparison between variations in