1. What is the instructor’s name (spelling counts)? Where did the instructor go to college?
The instructor’s name is Jane Smith.
2. What is the instructor’s email address to be used for questions and submission of projects?
3. What day(s) of each week are Chapter homework assignments always due?
Chapter homework assignments are always due on Thursdays and Sundays. Furthermore, discussions are due every Tuesday.
4. What is the time deadline (hour:minutes, AM or PM) for the Portal assignments to be submitted?
Homework is due at 10 PM.
5. On Canvas, under Navigating the Portal, what are the two Cautions that are listed?
The portal times out after 2 hours so students need to save their homework as they go along to ensure their progress isn’t lost.
Students shouldn’t use their mouse ball to scroll down the page because it may lead them to the last answer of a different section.
6. What are the days, dates, times and room numbers of all of the tests held on campus?
The second exam is on Wednesday February 20th in room N201. It will be from 5:30-7:30 pm. The final exam is on Monday March 18th in room R110. It will be from 5:30-7:30 pm.
7. What are the three projects and when are they due (day, date, and time)?
The first is the Data Analysis project which is due on January 26th, 2013 at 10 PM. The second project is the Correlation and Regression project due on February 16th, 2013 at 10 PM.
8. How should the projects be submitted? Be specific about the requirements.
The projects should be submitted by email to pam.lowry@bellevuecollege.edu. In the subject line, students must include their name and the title of the project. None of the projects can be submitted through canvas.
9. What is the last day (date) to withdraw from this course with a "W" printed on your transcript? Please tell both the date for in-person withdrawal and the date for online withdrawal.
The last day to withdraw from this course with