Points: _______/20
Supermarket Scavenger Hunt for Wholesome Whole-Grains
1. Go to any full service supermarket (Fry’s, Albertson’s, Super Wal-Mart, etc.).
2. Name of store(s) you visited: a._______________________
b. ______________________ (1 pt.)
3. Item a: Locate 10 Ready-to-Eat Breakfast Cereals. Each of these cereals must provide a minimum of 3 gm Dietary Fiber and no more than 6 gm of Sugar per serving.
4. In column 1 report the product by manufacturer and name.
5. Then look at the ingredient panel found on the product, and list (column 2) the first two ingredients.
6. Read the Nutrition Fact panel and then write the amount of dietary fiber and sugar per serving (column 3 and 4) found in the Ready-to-Eat cereal.
7. Item b: Repeat # 3, #4, but only include dietary fiber per serving of frozen breakfast entrée.
8. Item c: Cereal snack bar products will be recorded the same as Ready-to-Eat cereals. Find a cereal snack bar product with a minimum of 3 gm Dietary Fiber and no more than 6 gm of Sugar per bar.
9. Item d: Ready-to-Eat Breakfast Cereal that is a good source of soluble fiber. Follow the same instructions used for Item a. (≥3 gm dietary fiber, ≤ 9 gm Sugar) except find cereals that provide at least 1 gm of soluble fiber per serving.
10. Maximum 20 points
Example: Cheerios (This cereal cannot be used as one of your selections)
Column 1
Column 2
Column 3
Column 4
Top 2 Ingredients from
Ingredient List
Fiber (g)
Sugar (g)
1. General Mills Cheerios
a. Whole Grain Oats
b. Modified Corn Starch
3 gm
1 gm
a. Find 10 different whole grain Ready-to-Eat breakfast cereals with 3 gm Dietary Fiber and 6 gm of Added Sugar per serving (1 pt. Each):
Top 2 Ingredients from
Ingredient List
Dietary Fiber (g)
Sugar (g)
1. _________________________
a. ______________________
b. ______________________