University Resources Scavenger Hunt
Log on to the new University of Phoenix eCampus web page located at: Explore the resources available on the site and use them to answer the following questions.
1. What are the six “Other Math Labs” available for study in the Center for Mathematics Excellence? (Hint: Click on the “Running Start Link.”)
Self Assessment, ALEKS Math Refresher, Pre Algebra Review, Intermediate Algebra, and Introduction to Statistics are the 6 other math labs available.
2. Which three reviewing services are available to students through the Center for Writing Excellence? Write point, plagiarism checker and tutor review
3. Which resource in the Tutorials & Guides section of the Center for Writing Excellence “offers tips about how to format using APA style according to the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (5th edition)”? Samples or the Microsoft Word Formatting Tutorial
4. What are the two required writing manuals for University of Phoenix students?
American Psychological Association Publication Manual, and Gregg Reference Manual.
1. What are the three major article databases found in the University Library?
EBSCO host, Gale power search and Pro Quest.
2. Name three specialized article databases in the University Library.
Under materials click link for that week.
3. What link would you click to ask a question of the University of Phoenix Librarian?
The Ask a Librarian link
4. Locate the title of a newspaper in your geographical area that is available in the University Library.
1. From your student Web site, how do you access your reading assignments for this course?
2. Where on your student Web site will you be able to find your schedule and course grades?
The schedule and grades can be found under the Program tab
1. What six