Investigation/Cause Determination
Final: Term Paper
Inna Fabyanchuk
FISC 205
Final Paper: Scene Investigation and Cause Determination.
Dispatch: Call came in at 6:20 am; a fully involved structure fire on (5th Canal St), 1 victim, in need of mutual aid and the fire department. Witness states that visible smoke and fire is coming through the front window and that there may be residents inside because of a parked car outside of the house.
The fire department arrives to the scene at 6:25 am. Commander states that there is a fully involved 2 story structure fire, heavy smoke on the first level, probably going to the second level. No information on any injuries other than the bystander jogger that attempts rescue. No indication of residents inside other than parked car outside in the driveway. Police state that upon arrive there was visible smoke and fire coming from the front window, the police officer did not inter the burning structure because she didn’t have proper protective equipment. Police officer did not see any suspicious bystanders on scene, but reports that there was a domestic incident between neighbors couple months back. Firefighters implement attack; inter the structure through the side door, going into the kitchen. (Firefighters state that the side door was already open upon arrival and upon implementing attack to the first floor because the bystander jogger had attempted rescue and used this door as the ingress point). At that point there is zero visibility, smoke all the way to the floor and high temperatures of heat coming from the living room. Fire is classified as a standard fire, no occupants in the structure. No unusual smells because the firefighters had there SCBA (self-contained breathing apparatus) and masks on. The first hose line was deployed to the first floor, which was used to take the fire down in the living room (origin of the fire); the second line was deployed to the second floor, where