• Accidents in this section we can see that the accident has happened because a s they quoted ‘some this explains that one of the staff member was abusing one of the elderly person.
• Fire is also accrued in section A in the accidents ‘The flooding has caused electrical and a fire has started the lower floor kitchen of the home and is a spreading quickly’ this shows that fire started in the resident’s floor.
• Major disaster caused in this case flood because ‘The flooding has caused electrical and a fire has started the lower floor kitchen of the home and is a spreading quickly’ this shows that that is all flooding and also the fire.
• Suspected abuse because ‘the management of the home were in the meeting about a whistleblower who has reported that one member of staff has been abusing residents with dementia’
• Spillages because it happened of the incidental mentioned it been ‘ in the rush hour to escape some of the nursing stand have knocked over a trolley contain medication for residents which are now mixed up’ this shows that the incident happening in the hurry.
Responses in incident A
There has been an incident which is a ‘whistle blower who has reported that one of the members has been abusing the residents with dementia when the flooding was discovered’.
The first priority when working with this incidents and emergencies is to confirming the safety of people and review the policies and policies and procedures that follow the serious incident. The response to this situation is to investigate the incident e.g. dealing with the suspected abuse. To stop this from happening is to have awareness of the causes and taking direct action to minimize the effect. Creating procedures that should be followed in the future and ensure that all the adults are informed. Ensure that all adults are aware of the action that should be taken, and do an annual review that should be taken.