You will usually start to sees the symptoms around the people ages 16-30. For men the symptoms usually start earlier. There are positive, negative, and cognitive symptoms. Negative symptoms are associated with disruptions to normal emotions and behaviors. Positive symptoms …show more content…
Many people aren’t aware of all the things these family members have to deal with. It is a very hard journey, that they will live with for the rest of their lives. When you have schizophrenia you’ll have to take a lot of medications, which will help with behaviors. People living with schizophrenia might not live a normal life, they may live in institutes or nursing homes. Some people need to be watched every minute of the day to make sure that they are alright. It’s a struggle, but they will get through it and they aren’t alone. “When I was 22 I couldn’t leave my house because I thought people were out to get me. My boss told my mom that I needed treatment and I went to a therapist, but quit seeing her because I thought she was out to kill me” (National Alliance on Mental