I recently viewed a taping of a school board meeting. This school board meeting was in the Waterloo Community School District. The meeting was held in the board room at the Education Service Center. This center is located at 1516 Washington Street in Waterloo, Iowa. The meeting was held on March 26, 2012, at 6:00 p.m. The board members that were present were Shanlee McNally, Sue Flynn, Andrea Sparks, and Lyle Schmitt. Also in attendance was President of the Board, Mike Young, Vice-president, Bernice Richard, Superintendent, Dr. Gary Norris, Executive Director of School & Community Relations/Board Secretary, Sharon Miller, Chief Financial Officer/Board Treasurer, Michael Coughlin, Assistant Superintendent for Administrative & Student Services, Dr. Peg Dokken-Opat and Associate Superintendent for Educational Services, Dr. Jane Lindaman. Those that were not present were Board member, David Meeks, and Associate Superintendent for Human Resources and Equity, Dr. Bev Smith. There were a few public citizens there, the Waterloo Courier, and sixty-five teachers from the Waterloo school district. There were 65 teachers in attendance from the Waterloo school district. One young teacher came up front to speak during the time that the Board would listen to different information from individuals. She spoke of how frustrated she has become concerning all of the changes that are taking place all at once. She tried to encourage the District to focus on implementing only one or two initiatives at a time. There was also another woman that came up and thanked the Board members for their service to the community. She also spoke of the Empty Bowls Fundraiser and asked them to once again support this fundraiser. She stated that the money that is raised would go to the NE Iowa Food Bank. Last year they were able to raise over $13000.00 There were several items on the agenda; Bills due and payable and bill paid between board members; Food
I recently viewed a taping of a school board meeting. This school board meeting was in the Waterloo Community School District. The meeting was held in the board room at the Education Service Center. This center is located at 1516 Washington Street in Waterloo, Iowa. The meeting was held on March 26, 2012, at 6:00 p.m. The board members that were present were Shanlee McNally, Sue Flynn, Andrea Sparks, and Lyle Schmitt. Also in attendance was President of the Board, Mike Young, Vice-president, Bernice Richard, Superintendent, Dr. Gary Norris, Executive Director of School & Community Relations/Board Secretary, Sharon Miller, Chief Financial Officer/Board Treasurer, Michael Coughlin, Assistant Superintendent for Administrative & Student Services, Dr. Peg Dokken-Opat and Associate Superintendent for Educational Services, Dr. Jane Lindaman. Those that were not present were Board member, David Meeks, and Associate Superintendent for Human Resources and Equity, Dr. Bev Smith. There were a few public citizens there, the Waterloo Courier, and sixty-five teachers from the Waterloo school district. There were 65 teachers in attendance from the Waterloo school district. One young teacher came up front to speak during the time that the Board would listen to different information from individuals. She spoke of how frustrated she has become concerning all of the changes that are taking place all at once. She tried to encourage the District to focus on implementing only one or two initiatives at a time. There was also another woman that came up and thanked the Board members for their service to the community. She also spoke of the Empty Bowls Fundraiser and asked them to once again support this fundraiser. She stated that the money that is raised would go to the NE Iowa Food Bank. Last year they were able to raise over $13000.00 There were several items on the agenda; Bills due and payable and bill paid between board members; Food