The purpose of my bill is to give some children their freedom and creativity back, by allowing them to express how they feel through their clothes instead of wearing a uniform. Being able to tell a little bit about someone at first sight just by their clothes isn’t always bad. Even though school uniforms would make equality among the children, its also blocking their creativity and giving them the wrong message on how to look at things. People always say how horrible it is to judge people by what they wear or by what’s on the outside, but it’s not all stereotypical. Just by looking at someone you can tell a little bit about them, such as if they like different bands, or movies or games. You can tell if they don’t care about their appearance, or if they shop at expensive stores you can tell they might be wealthier. Clothes are a big way of expressing how you feel about different subjects. This bill will help people be able to do that. Another reason that we should not have uniforms is natural disasters. How would a parent identify their child? Most parents know what their children wear to school for the day, and it is a very easy way to pick out your child. Or another is what if a student with superiority attacked a younger age student how would they be able to describe their attacker or pick them out of a group if they all look the same. “School is a place where the next actors, writers, artists, politicians, inventors, designers and musicians are trained. School uniforms send a clear early-life message to students that comfort is important and creativity is not, that authority is allowed to abuse its power and constrain our constitutional right of free speech and expression. Students learn from uniforms that their individuality, political opinions and religious rights are unimportant, as is their education; students are regularly suspended for non compliance to the uniform code even if their school work is excellent. If uniform-requiring schools were actually in ‘the business of learning’ this would not occur” says Tara Maginnis. They’re all wearing the same uniform. I fear that as adults people don’t have the same opportunity as teenagers and children to express these things. As adults we can wear uniforms and suits, but children are not paid executives they should have the experience of wearing what they want, and by making them wear school uniforms we are taking away that experience. Suits and other formal clothes. can be saved for adults, but not for children. My bill will help kids experience these things.
Many parents and teachers believe that enforcing school uniforms would create equality among the students. By creating this equality parents and teachers believe that it will cut down on bullying and peer pressure to dress nice. But unfortunately students will find other ways to bully a peer. Its also important for childrens minds to pick out their own clothes to wear. It has been proven that alowing children to pick out their own clothes creates a better thinker, and independence. No parent or teacher wants their child/stufdent to believe that making everything equal is the way things work in the world, and wearing uniforms everyday will make them believe this.
This bill will not allow any school in America to have school uniforms. This will include both public and private schools. This bill will support kids throughout America to express their creativity, outgoing styles, and unique personalities. Making children wear uniforms is against freedom of expression. We are containing our children’s creative minds by making them wear uniforms. Clothing is a very big way for children to express themselves and their personalities. The way they define themselves is not only through their feelings and actions, but also through their clothing. A child’s mind is growing and we are restricting them as children. We are crippling their young creative minds by making them wear the same uniform day after day. Parents and teachers should not have the right to take away a child’s creative minds. That is what this bill is for. Goals for this bill would be…
· give kids freedom to pick their own clothes
· give them their freedom of expression
· find other ways to deal with teasing and etc
· save money for parents, and the government
· show people who want uniforms why this bill is important
· give children their creativity and another way to express it
· get rid of some clothing stereotypes
· give them the experience
These goals are very possible if this bill is passed. I will try my hardest to make them all happen if my bill is passed. The affects of this bill will be a big turning point for all the schools and students, and parents, when they realize that having uniforms is a bad thing, and it’s much better without them. This bill will need a lot of cooperation from school’s staff all around America. It will need to be enforced by the government, but in every school we are going to need to cooperation from all principal. They have a giant impact on what the children and parents believe is right for the school. This will mainly need to be enforced by the government. We need them to make sure that every school in America is following the rules that are in the bill. The government is the only one that can do that.
Part 2: Definitions
Superiority: A higher ranking or a higher status person.
Crippling: Disabling, impairing, weakening.
Non Compliance: Dont agree, refuse. Part 3: Date effective This bill will be going into affect August twentieth. This way it’s not in the middle of the school year and parents haven’t already spent money on expensive uniforms that their child won’t even be wearing for more than half of a school year. Part 4: Costs & Benefits This bill is not a big money issue. In the end, we will be saving parents, the government, and the schools money. First by taking away uniforms you would think that the parents would end up losing money, but that is not how I see it. Once the parents buy the uniforms for the children they don’t have to buy any other clothes for school for their children. No child is going to wear their school uniform outside of school. The parents will end up purchasing just as many clothes and spending more money than the parents who don’t have to buy uniforms. That would be for public schools but then on the other hand, public schools are funded by the government. This way the government would save money too, by not having to buy uniforms for all of the public schools. Also if the schools did not have to ask for uniforms from the school, they could ask for more supplies for the buildings, and help the needs of the school. But I am fearful that the schools with uniforms will disagree, and we will end up making a compromise so that this bill will get passed.
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