While Rain was picking plums from her plum tree she falls down from the tree and breaks her hip. Due to Rain’s accident, she is in the hospital waiting for surgery and worried about Cap. Cap now has no one to care for him and provide him the home education that he was receiving from his grandmother. Cap now has to attend “C Average” Middle School! Cap is very nervous about this change …show more content…
Rodrigo’s life. For example, Cap shows how heroic he is when he helps Mr. Rodrigo by driving him to the hospital in his school bus while he was experiencing a heart attack. There was not any hesitation in Cap’s mind to think that he was underage and physically unable to drive a school bus. Unfortunately, Cap got arrested and was handcuffed in front of his peers on the bus. Cap’s peers, realized what a great and caring person he was to put himself in this situation to help someone. Many of the students on the bus screamed “ Quit pushing this guy around!” “He’s a hero!” This quote proves that Cap Anderson is a very heroic person for taking the big responsibility to drive Mr. Rodrigo to the hospital. Since this event occurred, Cap has been gaining popularity and trust from his