in uniform. Education is the key to success and in my opinion once it is taken seriously and is appreciated by more members of our society we will be able to achieve more not only as individuals, but as a whole and live happier lives.
Educational systems have always been the number one priority in the United States. Our grand society enforces the idea that the likelihood of an individual becoming successful without an education is extremely rare. One must be born with a hidden talent that will advertise them and prove that they are in fact someone out of the ordinary and above average. Athletes and celebrities are prime examples of these types of individuals, they are looked up to as role models all around the world and can simply make a living by doing something they love without having to further education. However, this is not the case for most Americans there is a small number of individuals who partake in this lifestyle and that is why furthering your education is greatly recommended and pushed. The educational systems in other countries, the middle east for example, do not offer a free education. The wealthy percentage of their country is the only persons who can afford an education and that is a prime reason as to why people from different countries migrate to the United States. Our laws regarding the educational systems in the U.S. are taken for granted and most people do not understand how great of a privilege it truly is. People from different countries migrate to the United States so that they can provide their children with an education thus resulting in a better life. Additionally, maintaining an education will allow an individual to strive to participate in something that is bigger than themselves and mold them into someone who can survive through different situations as the world evolves. Over the course of the year’s society has transitioned our society into believing that there is no possible way an individual will survive this world without an education. The laws have transformed to make sure that parents and/or legal guardians are enforcing their child’s presence at school. Moreover, legal guardians are held accountable for any absence recorded without a valid excuse e.g. the child was ill or had a doctor’s appointment. I believe the evolution of our laws regarding our educational systems have allowed more individuals to appreciate the opportunities the U.S. provides for its citizens and would agree on the notion of public schools requiring mandatory attendance for all children and youth because it will prepare the younger generations for the responsibilities that will be expected of them as they develop into an adult. The United States as a country is very diverse, there is not one single individual that is the exact same as another and it is important that we teach all children and youth that it is okay to be different. As young children, we are naturally curious because we are so eager to play an active role in learning about the world around us. We ask questions and continue to do so until we are satisfied with an answer. Curiosity is not as terrible as some parents make it seem when their child is crawling around finding new objects to them. We learn by asking questions when we do not quite understand a certain topic and it is ironic that as young children we are sometimes yelled at for asking too many questions, but as we grow older we are pushed to ask more questions. Being curious allows us to expand our knowledge and schools are a place where children can be social and interact with others. In fact, we learn best through our peers and the social engagement enables the relationships needed to fulfill one’s needs. Every country has an invisible list of actions and characteristics that are part of the norm and in the United States we address them in our everyday life.
Any act of deviance is frowned upon because we are expected to know when and where is the right place to consult in different actions. Schools partake in a huge role in molding the youth into the individuals they ought to be and help them understand right from wrong. We consume more information when we are young children and our development between the ages two-five determines our behaviors for the rest of our lives. The rules followed in schools constantly reinforce the acceptable behaviors in society and as the child reaches his/her adolescence years they are well informed on most behavioral explanations. Understanding why some actions and behaviors are not acceptable aid a child’s developmental growth as they learn from their mistakes. If all we do is scold a child for doing something that is unacceptable, but do not explain why their actions were wrong, they will not really understand why they are being punished and are more likely to consult in repetitive behaviors. Therefore, always providing a clear explanation regarding why a behavior is intolerable is
necessary. Employers seek employees that obtain certain skills proving to them that they are the best candidate for the specific job position. Attending school daily and practicing the skills introduced prepare an individual for the next step. The required attendance will motivate children in learning the information they will need to master by the time they are in their early adolescence years. A person with an education and the proper knowledge on how society wants us to behave will be a better candidate over someone whom lacks these advantages. Further, providing our children with the appropriate tools needed to become successful will reduce the probability of them turning into criminals and acting out of the ordinary. That is to say, the amount of chaos will reduce in the United States.