Stress is an inevitable part of life. Although everyone experiences stress in some form, each person has a different reaction to his or her stress. The varying responses to stress depend upon methods used by the individual to relieve the pressure or tension from them. I will define the four components of psychosocial health and why they are important. Donatella (2010), identified various methods used to manage stress. I selected visualization as a new tool to help limit and reduce my stress level. I will discuss the effectiveness of the technique, if I will use the technique again, and if the stress management tool should be referred to others.
Components of Health The four components, emotional health (feeling), Social health (relating), Mental health (thinking), Spiritual health (being) psychosocial health are equally important (Donatella 2010). The components are dependent of each other providing stability and balance. A person who is mentally healthy is able to process and sort information. Those who are mentally healthy are able to communicate and express emotions without hostility. Emotional Health is described as feelings or emotional reactions. People that are emotionally healthy respond to events with a level head, they express themselves in an appropriate manner and do not let their feelings take them over. Social health is described as having intimate partners, and interactions with friends, family and acquaintances (Donatella 2010). Social healthy people spend time working with others, developing relationships overall enjoy being with others. Spiritual health is described as people who seek answers to life’s questions. Spiritual health is more than seeking religion; it is the feeling of belonging (Donatella 2010). Material possessions might satisfy basic needs but do not bring happiness. Spiritual health relates to peace; inter harmony, nature, and intimate relationships. In some cases spiritual